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Leaves have small openings called stomata on the underside of the blade. Stomata function in gas exchange.

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Q: What are the pores tiny leaves have called?
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What are the membranes of what have tiny pores that allow the passage of water molecules?

Plant leaves. The pores are called stomata.

What are the leaves tiny pores called?

Leaves have small openings called stomata on the underside of the blade. Stomata function in gas exchange.

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yes, flowers breathe through tiny holes in there leaves and stems called pores

What is the tiny holes in leaves through which air passes?

The pores used for plant respiration are called stomata.

How does carbon dioxide get in to the leaves so photosynthesis can occur?

There are tiny pores on the leaf called stomata which allow gases in and out.

What is stomsta?

tiny pores found on the underside of leaves

Tiny pores called stomata on the bottom of the leaves take in what from the air?

The stomata are on the bottom of the leaves to aid in respiration. The pores allow carbon dioxide to enter the leaf. This allows for the continuation of photosynthesis by plants. They have a very important role in photosynthesis.

What are tiny holes in plants leaves called?

Stoma (plural stomata), they are the pores used for gas exchange.

What are the tiny holes in plant's leaves called?

Stoma (plural stomata), they are the pores used for gas exchange.

Where does transpirtaion happen?

It happens in the leaves, where tiny pores open to allow water out and close to keep water in.

The tiny pores or openings in leaves that take in the carbon dioxide are called?

Those pores are on the bottom of the leaf surface and are called stomata (singular stoma). They have guard cells that open and close the pore based on several conditions in the environment.