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The bumps at the ankle are the malleoli (singular malleolus). The medial malleolus is formed by the tibia, and the lateral malleolus by the fibula. The medial wrist bump is formed by the styloid process of the ulna, and the lateral wrist bump by the styloid process of the radius.

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Q: What are the processes and bones that create your medial and lateral ankle and wrist bumps?
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Related questions

What is the lateral ankle projection?

medial malleolus

Which bones form lateral and medial malleolus?

The Lateral Malleolus is part of the fibula.

4 The medial malleolus is located on the distal end of what bone?

I think they are inner and outer ankle The Medial malleolus if found on the Tibia and the Lateral malleolus is found on the Fibula. The ankle connect to the Medial and Lateral malleolus.

What is the name for the boney prominence on the medical and lateral aspect of the ankle area?

The two boney prominences are the medial malleolus and the lateral malleolus.

What is the difference between a lateral malleolus and a medial malleolus?

Lateral refers to the outside of the ankle while medial refers to the inside or towards the midline of the body

Why is the tibia involved in the transfer of weight to the ankle and foot but not the fibula?

As the tibia approaches the ankle joint, the tibia broadens, and the medial border ends in the medial malleolus. The inferior surface of the tibia articulates with the proximal bone of the ankle; the medial malleolus provides medial support for this joint. whereas the lateral malleolus of the fibula only provides lateral stability to the ankle but does not help transfer weight to the ankle and foot.

Would An injury to the lateral side of your ankle would involve the tibia?

No, an injury to the lateral side of your ankle may involve the fibula. An injury to the ankle on the medial side may involve the tibia.

What forms the ankle mortise joint?

Lateral Malleolus and the talus make up the lateral side. Medial Malleolus and Talus make up the medial side. Tibiotalar joint space make up the top.

What bones make up the the medial and lateral malleolus?

The distal and medial part of the tibia makes up the medial mallelolus The lateral malleolus is a bony prominence on the fibula, one of the long bones which makes up the lower leg. The fibula is the narrowest of the long bones, situated on the outside of the leg, with the lateral malleolus creating the distinctive bump on the outside of the ankle. This prominence is frequently involved in ankle fractures.

What is the best ankle brace available in India fos ankle ligament injury?

protect.ankle laceup from the house of Pushpanjali medi India Pvt.Ltd. Offers a uniqe ankle brace with medial & lateral stabilization shell for ankle ligament injury, instability and after sprains

What is the inner aspect of the ankle?

The side of the ankle is on the lateral side of the body. The ankle itself is called the talocrural region. Together you would say the lateral talocrural. Of course, you also need to say left or right.

What body part is the tarsal?

the tarsus (or tarsal region) is the ankle. The bones are: calcaneus, talus, navicular, cuboid, and the medial, intermediate and lateral cuniform bones.