

What are the step of replication?

Updated: 6/20/2024
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10y ago

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The steps of DNA replication: 1. Unwinding Each DNA molecule consists of two strands. These strands seperate from each other. 2. Complementary pairing up of the nucleotide bases. 3. Enzymes link up and join. 4. Termination This is when DNA polymerase to an end of the strands.

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1mo ago

Replication involves unwinding the DNA double helix, synthesizing new complementary strands using existing strands as templates, and proofreading for errors. The process is carried out by DNA polymerase enzymes, which add nucleotides to the growing DNA strand in the 5' to 3' direction.

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12y ago

1. Helicases unwind the DNA double helix 2.Single stranded proteins stablizie unwound DNA 3.DNA polymerase adds nucleotids to exposed bases 4.Primase synthesizes RNA primer 5.DNA ligase joins Okazaki fragments on lagging strand

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14y ago

dont you wish you knew..:)

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The first step in the process of replication is the unwinding of the DNA double helix by an enzyme called helicase. This process separates the two strands of DNA, creating a replication fork where new nucleotides can be added to each strand.

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Yes, there is no replication step between meiosis I and meiosis II. The DNA remains in a duplicated state from the end of meiosis I and goes directly into meiosis II, where the sister chromatids are separated.

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The chemical bond broken during the first step of replication is hydrogen bond (b).

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I can find no reference to a molecule used in "pf" replication. Do you have another term in mind? Please resubmit your question if you do.

What is the 2nd step of DNA replication?

The 2nd step of DNA replication is initiation, where the double helix unwinds and the DNA strands are separated by an enzyme called helicase. This forms the replication fork where new DNA strands will be synthesized.

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Heating DNA in water denatures it by breaking hydrogen bonds, similar to the initial step in DNA replication where the DNA strands separate. Cooling DNA in water allows the strands to reanneal, akin to the subsequent step in DNA replication where new complementary strands are synthesized.

What is ment by DNA replication?

replication of DNA is the process of What_is_meant_by_replication_of_DNADNA strand to made another double stranded DNA. This process is important in genetics inheritance from one generation to another. the step of DNA replication include initiation, elongation, and termination.