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Co2, Oxygen and water :) . I might be wrong.

No its not those! The plant gathers Co2 and water and lets out oxygen.

It mixes the co2 and water to make glucose.

All I know is that one thing glucose does has something to do with starch?

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10y ago

Glucose is energy for the plant. Some is converted into starch to save energy for later. Cellulose is a form of sugar that gives plants structure like wood. Some glucose is converted into fructose in fruit so that the plants can reproduce.

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9y ago

There are three substances that a plant makes using glucose. The first substance is starch, the next substance is cellulose, and the final substance is carbohydrates sucrose.

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Co2, water and oxygen

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Q: What are the three types of substance that a plant makes using glucose used for?
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What are three things a plant gives off when undergoing photosynthesis?

Three byproducts of photosynthesis are glucose, oxygen and water.

Where do plant cells obtain glucose from?

They make it from three things: Sunlight, Water, and CO2

What are the three uses of glucose in a plant?

Plants make use of glucose in the following ways:for respirationthey combine glucose with nitrogen to produce proteinsthey combine glucose with magnesium to make chlorophyllthey form structural components (e.g. cellulose)they recombine glucose form chemical elements such as oils.

How does glucose enters the body?

Glycolysis splits glucose into two three-carbon molecules, and makes two molecules of ATP.

Is gluclose an element?

No, Glucose is not an element. To be an element, a substance must have all the same type of atom. Once it has this, it can go on the Periodic Table. Glucose is formed of three different atoms: Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen. One molecule has twenty four atoms in in the arrangement: C6H12O6So, as Glucose has three different types of atom in it, it's not an element.

What three things are needed to produce glucose in plants?

they need glucose to help it grow, energy and to expand roots to collect nutrients from the soil...

What 3 uses which green plants make off glucose?

hi if you want to know 3 different ways how a plant can use their glucose cause you have come t the right place. the three different ways a plant can use its glucose are: 1. It can use glucose for respiration. This is when the plant releases it's energy. 2. Glucose that is used to make chemicals for growth. 3. Glucose that is turned into starch that is stored up for when the plant needs it like in winter.

What are 3 things glucose is converted into in a plant?

Glucose is used oin plants for several purposes. It is joined together to form amylopectin and amylose which are energy storing molecules (starch). It is also joined together in a reverse manner to form cellulose, the main structural component. Some glucose is also used for respiration.

What are the three products of photosynthesis?

Glucose, which is stored in the root system of the plant. Oxygen and water molecules are formed also, but they are wastes and are excreted into the atmosphere through the leaves.

What substance easily travel across the cell membrane glucose molecules water molecules or sodium?

Of the three, water will move easily. The others require help and therefore the use of energy.

The three things that enter the plant during photosynthesis are?

The inputs for photosynthesis are light (which is energy), water (which is matter), and carbon dioxide (which is also matter).

Three ways plants can be healthy?

plants can be medicinal,proteins & vitamins, keep our environment healthy