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Rooting Cuttings:

A cutting is a portion of a parent plant severed completely from the parent and induced to root. Cuttings are potentially taken from sections of stem with or without a growing tip or leaves, individual leaves and portions of the root system. Stem cuttings taken from woody plants are classified as softwood, semi-hardwood or hardwood. This refers to the age of the wood. After a cutting is taken, it is sometimes treated with a rooting hormone to encourage better rooting and typically placed in a well-drained, low-fertility medium kept evenly moist and around 65 degrees Fahrenheit until a root system capable of supporting the plant develops.


Layering encourages the formation of roots on a parent plant to form new plants before detaching that section from the parent. Air layering involves slitting open a portion of stem, holding it open with a toothpick, covering that section of stem with moist peat moss and wrapping the site in plastic wrap or polyethylene then tying it in place. The stem is cut off the parent plant once roots form in the peat moss. Simple layering describes bending a stem to the ground and securing a portion of it against the soil until roots develop. Tip, compound and mound, or stool, are other types of layering.


Micropropagation, or tissue culture, involves extracting a very small amount of plant tissue, sometimes individual cells, and encouraging cellular division until organs and eventually a plantlet develop. Micropropagation is challenging, requiring appropriate, sterile equipment and medium and careful handling, as the environment necessary to encourage the plant to grow is also ideal for the growth of harmful microbes. This generally makes it not a feasible vegetative propagation method for the casual home grower.

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14y ago

1.Vegetative Reproduction

2.Asexual Reproduction

3.Sexual Reproduction

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