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The thumb articulates with the trapezium (one of the carpal bones of the wrist) and does not directly articulate with the ulna or the radius.

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It is the radius or radial bone.

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IS called the radius

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Q: What bone runs along the thumb side of the forearm?
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What is the carpal bone at the base of the thumb?

Trapezium or Greater Multangular Trapezoid Carpal. Proximal to this is the Scaphoid or Navicular Carpal.

What is the medical term meaning arm bone?

The medical term for the arm bone is the "humerus." It is the long bone that runs from the shoulder to the elbow and is part of the upper limb.

What does Radius bone do?

The radius bone doesn't have a specific function, per se. It provides structure and support for the lower arm in tandem with the ulna. It connects to the elbow and the thumb-side of the hand and provides a point of attachment for muscles and ligaments for the arm and hand.The forearm has two large bones, the radius and the ulna, of which the radius is the larger bone. This bone runs from the elbow to the thumb side of the wrist. All land vertebrates have this bone. In man, this bone helps us rotate our hand from palm up to palm down position.

Where is the radial artery?

In the forearm, and it passes through what is referred to as the carpal tunnel formed by the transverse carpal ligament between the hamate hook and the trapezium carpal bones.Good thing you're not a doctor... it's on the THUMB-SIDE OF THE WRIST... NOT THE FOREARM.

What is a raDius a long bone or a short bone?

It is the long bone in your arm that runs from the thumb side of your wrist, up to your elbow, the inside bone. The outside bone is called the Ulna.

What is the name of the larger of the two terminal branches of the brachial artery which runs along the medial portion of the forearm?

Radial artery

Facts about the radius bone?

The RADIUS is one of two bones connecting the elbow to the wrist. Specifically, it's the one behind the thumb. see the link for a human skeleton with all the major bones labeled

Where is femoral located?

i am not sure if you mean femur, but if you do it is the big bone in the upper part of your leg. the femoral artery runs along it

Where is the humerous in the human body?

Humerous is something that's funny. ex- My mom ate my homework. that's considered humerous. good luck!

Where does the ulnar nerve start and end?

The ulnar nerve runs along the ulna bone in the arm. It starts at the shoulder and ends at the pinky finger.

What is the most frequently broken wrist bone?

The fifth bone by your pinky is the most common broken bone in your hand. That type of fracture is called a boxers fracture. It is fairly easy to break. Many people break it by punching walls or the floor. You can break it easily by punching an immovable object.