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Q: What bone runs from the neck to the pelvis and attached to it are the ribs?
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Which bone is attached to the back bone?

Your skull, ribs, and pelvis are attached to your spinal column.

What muscle is the flat bone attached to?

there are several flat bones... The Scapula (shoulder blade), Sternum (breast bone), Cranium (skull), Pelvis and Ribs are all considered to be flat bones.

What bone does the spine attach?

the skull, pelvis, ribs, and scapula

What bone attached to the ribs?

spinal cord

What 2 bones are attached to your spine?

any of the 12 pairs of ribs the pelvis

What is the floating ribs not attached to?

Sternum/breast-bone, either directly or not

What are six types of bone?

Isn't it feet, skull, spine, pelvis, ribs, legs, and arms?

Which bone is present horizontally in the human body?

When standing upright there are several that are appproximately horizontal to the ground. Several in the feet, part of the pelvis, the ribs and collar bone are the main ones.

Which part of body are ribs attached to a flat bone?

Torso-the sternum is the flat bone in the center of your chest between them.

What are the common and medical names for human bones?

Common Medical Skull cranium jaw bone mandible collar bone clavicle shoulder blade scapula hip bone pelvis funny bone humerus finger bone phalanges vertebrae vertebrae radius radius femur femur shin tibia knee cap patella neck bone clavicle vertebrae ribs ribs upper back-bone thoracic vertebrae lower back-bone lumbar vertebrae fibula fibula ankle tarsals chest bone sternum wrist bone carpals lower wrist metacarpals

What bones are the most protection to the abdominal viscera?

The Ribs primary function is to protect the thoracic viscera, or the heart and lungs. The pelvis' main function is to protect the pelvic viscera

What bone do the ribs connect to?

In the anterior position (front), the ribs connect to the sternum (breast bone) and in the posterior position (back), the vertebrae. There are free ribs that do not attach at the sternum, they just attach at the vertebrae.