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The upper end of tibia bone.

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Q: What bones articulates with the inferior end of the femur?
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What are the three bones that articulate with the femur?

The proximal end of the femur articulates with the acetabulum, which is the socket joint of the pelvis. The acetabulum is formed by the fusion of the three bones which make up the pelvis, the ischium, the ilium and the pubis. The distal end of the femur articulates with the patellae (knee caps) and the tibia.

Where does a Femur go?

The Femur Articulates (Forms a joint) with the Acetabularium of the pelvis bone at the junction of Ilium and Ischium. This is a ball and Socket Joint. And this is at the proximal end of the Femur. The distal end of the Femur articulates with the Tibia and Fibula (The bones of the shank region). This is a hinge joint.

What are the bones that articulates with the proximal end of the tibia and fibula?

It is the inner bone of the lower leg, from the knee to the ankle.

Which bones articulate with the proximal end of the tibia?

Those bones are the tarsals, which make the ankle.The distal ends of the tibia and fibula articulate with a single tarsal bone called the talus.footfoottarsal bones

Does the calcaneous articulate with the distal end of the tibia?

The distal tibia articulates with the talus. The proximal tibia articulates with the femur.

Which bones articulate with the clavicle?

The bones that articulate with the clavicle are the manubrium of the sternal end, and the acromion of the scapula.

Describe the skeletal features at the point where the vertebral column articulates with the skull?

The vertebral column articulates at the superior end with the skull, inferior portion with the pelvic girdle, & the ribs laterally.

What is the name of the joint at the distal end of the femur and proximal end of the tibia that the patella overlaps?

The tibiofemoral joint is at the distal and of the femur and proximal end of the tibia. The femur is the thighbone, and the tibia is the larger of the two bones of the lower leg.

What bone articulates with the acetabulum?

Ilium Ischium Pubis The hip bone, is formed by the fusion of the ilium, the ischium, and the pubis, which occurs by the end of the teenage years.

Clavicle bone articulates with?

the medial end articulates with the sternum and the distal end articulates with the humerus and scapula.

What bones in a fetus has ossified at birth?

lower end of femur, upper end of tibia, calcaneus, talus and cuboid have ossified by birth.Among them the lower end of femur, calcaneus and talus are more persistent.

What is at The inferior end of the sacrum is composed of several fused vertebrae?

The inferior end would refer to the top of the sacrum because inferior means situated above. ===== Actually, inferior would be the bottom end. Superior is the to end.