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The plant and seeds contain dhurrin (sugar+nonsugar) that breaks into HCN whick is toxic for ruminants and horses.

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Q: What causes poison in a foxtail palm seed?
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What if a dog eats a queen palm seed?

Queen Palm seed are not toxic to dogs. They can, however be a choking hazard. Take care not to confuse the foxtail palm with a queen palm. The two are very similar in looks, but the foxtail palm seeds are deadly to dogs.

Can you eat the orange flesh of the foxtail palm tree?

No, the fruit is not edible even though it may look delicious. The seed is poisonous.

What palm tree does palm kernel come from?

Palm kernel comes from the oil palm tree. It's an edible seed and can produce palm kernel oil that comes from the kernel. The outer part of the seed can make palm oil.

What is the largest of seed in the world?

the palm locoicea maldivica seed

What is a palm nut?

A palm nut is the edible seed of the plant Elaeis guineensis, the oil palm.

Why can palm tree's seed grow without water?

Yes. The palm tree's seed can grow without water because the palm's seed is inside its hairy coconut shell. The shell contains milk so the seed can start growing even without water.

What types of palm tree seeds are poisonous to dogs?

Some species of palm trees are poisonous. The fruit like substance that surround the seeds of certain species can be toxic. For Example: FoxTail palm seed resemble a peach when they are rype and ready. The fruit like substance is indeed poisonous and can be deadly to dogs.

How long can a palm tree survive without water?

Yes. The palm tree's seed can grow without water because the palm's seed is inside its hairy coconut shell. The shell contains milk so the seed can start growing even without water.

What plant has the biggest seed?

Giant palm (Lodoica maldivica)I've heard it's the coconut.

Where can you find the Giant palm seed?

I'm owny thwee

Which tree has the largest seed?

Lodoicea maldivica or Coco de mer palm from the Maldives has the largest seed.

What tree has round green seed pods the size of cannonballs?

Coconut palm