

What causes us to breath faster?

Updated: 8/9/2023
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12y ago

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Lack of oxygen in the cells. Cellular respiration requires oxygen. Without oxygen, the cells acquire the energy they need from lactic acid fermentation. (This is the cause of muscle pain after workouts).

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your breath 🤣😂

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Generally you breath slower when asleep.

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your breath

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your breath

Why do you breath slower when you are at rest?

When you are at rest, or sleeping, your heart beats slower. Because it is beating slower, blood travels more slowly through your body, and therefore more slowly through your lungs. As a result, you breath slower. When you do vigorous activity, your heart beats faster to supply blood to your body cells faster. This causes blood to race through your body and lungs, requiring you to breath a lot faster to keep up with the amount of blood that needs oxygen from your lungs.

Why do we breath faster after doing twenty jumping stars?

We breath faster after doing exercise so our hearts can pump more blood around our body as we need it.

Why do fishes breathe faster than land animals?

Because the smaller you are the faster you breath

Why is it harder to breathe after exercise?

when you breath faster you heartrate goes up what make breath heavier.

Why is it unhealthy to be overweight?

Being overweight can be extremely hard on just about every organ in your body. It causes your heart to pump faster, it also causes you to possibly not get enough (a satisfying breath of air) and also is bad on your liver kidneys and other organs.

Why do fishes breathe faster than us?

Any small animal's metabolic rate is higher/faster than the larger/bigger ones. And breathing is positively correlated with metabolism. Thus small fish breath faster than large fish.

Why do you see your breath in the cold?

The cold causes the moisture in your breath to condense, making it visible.