

What cell division produces body cells?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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12y ago

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You start off in the fertilized egg as a single celled organism, mitosis then makes you a double celled, and so on and so on until you finally have trillions of cells in your body. Mitosis starts with interphase and then goes to prophase and metaphase, then going to anaphase and telophase.

Interphase - The cell at a neutral point. When the cell is not dividing.

Prophase - The cell at when it begins to divide.

Metaphase - The cell when the chromosomes begin to split apart and the spindle fibers begin to pull them apart.

Anaphase - The cell when the animal cells begin to form two cells and the plant cells start to form a cell plate.

Telophase - The finished product. Two new daughter cells are formed.

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15y ago

I don't know you were suposed to tell me. DUHHH. :)Katie<3

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11y ago

Mitosis creates body cells - bone, muscle, blood, etc.

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12y ago

Both mitosis and miosis. Mitosis produces tissue cells, and miosis produces the sex cells.

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Mitosis produces two identical daughter cells. You can remember that the form of cell division that produces two identical cells has a plus sign in it...the "t." Then you can remember that you get one cell plus another just like it.

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No, meiosis is the cell division that produces sex cells. Mitosis is the cell division in eukaryotes that produce somatic cells.

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Meiosis is the type of cell division that produces haploid cells.

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