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There is no specific type of cell that is involved in reproduction. All cells divide in order to produce more cells to cover the loss of cells or damaged cells and to for the organism to grow.

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Cell reproduction involves mitosis followed by cytokinesis.

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gamete cells are sex cells

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Q: What cells are directly involved in reproduction?
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What are the kind of reproduction?

in cells, the reproduction involved is the MITOSIS AND MEIOSIS!!

Can mitosis ever be used for reproduction?

Mitosis is used for the growth, repair, and asexual reproduction. It repairs damaged or old skin cells by replacing it by identical new skin cells. It also increases the mass of the plant root by producing more root cell through mitosis. It also produces two diploid cells that are diploid cells that are identical to each and parent cells.

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What is cells are involved in sexual reproduction?

it is called stem cell research

What is difference between somatic cells and gametes cells?

Somatic cells are not involved in sexual reproduction. These are most of the cells in your body. Gametes are sex cells (sperm and ovules/eggs).

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Conjugation is a primitive form of sexual reproduction since two parent cells are involved.

What kind of cell does meiosis function in the formation of?

Meiosis functions to create gametes, or sex-cells. These are the cells that are involved in sexual reproduction.

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Pili are plasma membrane extensions that serve to allow joining of bacterial cells so that exchange of DNA between cells may occur, thus bringing about sexual reproduction.

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normone ,cgastrin which is produced by some cells of stomach

How are mitosis and meiosis is related to asexual and sexual reproduction?

Mitosis is the asexual form of reproduction, Meiosis being the sexual form. Mitosis involved replicating the Chromosomes of the cell and placing the exact replicas in the daughter cells, resulting in 2 cells. This is asexual reproduction because the cells are exactly the same. Meiosis involved replication of the chromosomes, random mixing of them and division into 2 cells, duplication and random mixing again and then division into two more cells resulting in 4 cells. This is sexual reproduction because the cells are not exactly the same.

What two processes are involved in sexual reproduction?

The two parts of sexual reproduction are the male sex cells (sperm) and the female sex cells (eggs)