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waht changes in the chromosomes occur during meiosis

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Q: What changes in the chromosomes occur during meiosis?
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When do homologus chromosomes occur short answer please thankss?

Homologous chromosomes occur during meiosis. Meiosis reduces the chromosome number by half.

When does duplication of chromosomes occur?

when does the duplication of chromosomes occur?

Could crossing over occur during second meiotic division?

No, tips of homologous chromosomes cross over in Meiosis I. There are no homologous chromosomes by Meiosis I.

Occurs during prophase 1 of meiosis?

Mistakes such as nondisjunction can occur during meiosis. This is the result of chromosomes failing to separate equally during either anaphase.

What is Bivalence?

Bivalency is the quality of being bivalent - relating to a pair of homologous synapsed chromosomes which occur during meiosis.

What happens in meiosis one that does not occur in meiosis?

the synapsis and crossing over of homologous chromosomes

How meiosis help in generating variations?

Meiosis generates variations due to activities like independent assortment of chromosomes, crossing over and random fertilization that occur during the process. Meiosis occurs during sexual reproduction.

True or false reassortment of chromosomes can occur during meiosis by crossing over or by independent segregation of homologous chromosomes?

Independent assortment occurs when each pair of chromosomes segregates independently?

When does independent assortment occur in meiosis?

Independent assortment occurs during metaphase I

Does chiasmata occur in mitosis?

no, it happens in meiosis, it is when the bivalent chromosomes cuts and rejoins so that there is variability in the chromosomes.

What stage in meiosis do homologous chromosomes come together?

During meiosis, the homologous chromosomes come together during prophase I. Pairs of homologous chromosomes align during a process called synapsis and form a tetrad (four sister chromatids, two from each pair of homologous chromosomes). During synapsis, crossing over may occur, during which homologous chromosomes exchange genetic material.

What are nondisjunction genes?

Nondisjunction is the failure of homologous chromosomes or chromatids to segregate during mitosis or meisos with the result that one daughter cell has both of a pair of parental chromosomes or chromatids and the other has none. An example is Trisomy 21, which is also called Down's Syndrome. This person has 3 chromosome #21.Nondisjunction of genes occur during meiosis I when homologous chromosomes fail to separate or during meiosis II when there is unequal distribution of chromosomes. This leads to aneuploidy.