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the nucleic acid

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Q: What component of a virus is injected into infected cell?
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What component of a virus is injected into the infected cell?

The components of a virus that is injected into the infected cell is either the RNA or DNA. A virus is composed of two parts a nucleic acid part and a protein part.

The cell infected by a virus is referred to as the?

Host cell.

Where does translation occur in a DNA virus?

It occurs when the DNA from the virus is injected into the host cell.

Which component of a virus is lacking in a cell?

Both a living cell and a virus contain nucleic acid. The virus has a capsid, whereas a living cell does not.

Does a virus use ATP?

no, that is supplied by the infected cell.

Do virus replicate?

It can reproduce if it infected a host cell!

How does interferon help virus infected cell?

Interferons are messenger molecules secreted by virus-infected cells to notify cells in the vicinity of a viral invasion.

What stimulates the production of interferions?

When a cell is infected with a virus, the cell secrets interferon to help the other cells to resist to this virus. Hope it helps!!

What do you call a cell that has been infected with a virus?

It is called a host cell. The virus attaches to the cell and injects its DNA into the cell. The virus's DNA overruns the "instructions" that the cell has and "tells" the cell to make copies of the virus using the DNA. Then the cell makes so many copies of the virus, that it explodes. The new viruses then go on to attach to other cells.

What is produced by cells infected with viruses?

More viruses. Cells infected with virus DNA are essentially converted into virus factories. Instead of producing the materials the cell needs to reproduce, it produces dormant viruses, until the cell bursts and the new viruses begin infecting other cells.

What is the best predictor of how much damage a virus causes?

ability of the infected cell to undergo normal cell division

What is neuramidase?

It is a protein on the influenza virus that is thought to help the virus escape from the cell after it replicates. Zanamivir and oseltamivir are drugs that inhibit this action and thus trap virus particles within an infected cell.