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There are three cranial nerves that innervates muscle to move the eye. The main cranial nerve that controls eye movement is occulomotor nerve (CN III). It is responsible for inferior rectus, superior rectus, medial rectus, and inferior oblique.

Lateral rectus muscle is innervated by abducens nerve (CN VI).

Superior oblique muscle is innervated by trochlear nerve (CN III).

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1mo ago

The abducens nerve (cranial nerve VI) is responsible for moving the eye laterally, specifically by controlling the lateral rectus muscle.

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11y ago

Three pairs of criminal nerves move the eye: III Oculomotor, IV Trochlear and

VI Abducens.

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14y ago

The Left Optic Nerve.

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cranial nerve VI Abducens

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Q: What cranial nerve is responsible for moving the eye laterally?
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