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It depends on how homologues line up during metaphase 1 in meiosis, and event that is matter of chance.

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Q: What determines how chromosomes are combined in gametes?
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Related questions

Gametes have what kind of Chromosomes?

Gametes have haploid chromosomes, which means they have half the number of chromosomes of other cells in the body.

If a diploid organism has a genome consisting of twenty two chromosomes its gametes will have how many chromosomes?

Gametes have half the number of chromosomes - therefore if the diploid number is 22, the gametes would have 11 chromosomes.

How many chromosomes does a gamete cell have?


How many chromosomes are in a haploid gametes?

23 chromosomes

What does Gametes have?

Homologous chromosomes

How many pairs of chromosomes found in a gametes?

In human gametes, chromosomes are not paired. Instead, each gamete has one set of 23 chromosomes, and is said to be haploid.

Why do gametes need 12 the number of chromosomes of a regular body cell?

Gametes require half the number of chromosomes of a somatic (regular) cell as gametes are the sex cells. When gametes combine to make a zygote (a fertilised cell), the complete number of chromosomes will be present.

How many chromosomes in human gametes?

23, there are 23 chromosomes in human gametes

If somatic cell has 30 chromosomes how many are in the gametes?

Since gametes are haploids, they would each contain haploid number of chromosomes, 15 chromosomes.

Are gametes associated with diploid chromosomes?


How many unique gametes can be produced via assortment for an organism with a diploid number of 6 chromosomes?

When a zygote is diploid it obtains two sets of chromosomes. Gametes contain one set of chromosomes. Therefore, 6 chromosomes would amount to 3 sets of gametes.

How many chromosomes do llamas have in their gametes?

The llama has 74 chromosomes.