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Mendel drew two conclusions.

Mendel concluded that biological inheritance is determined by factors that are passed from one generation to the next. Mendel also concluded that the principle of dominance states that some alleles are dominant and others are recessive.

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13y ago
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14y ago

mendel suggested that during the formation of gametes one allele for every trait is copied from each parent and the mix of the two being dominant dominant, dominant recessive, and recessive recessive determines the inherited trait.

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10y ago

That specific, individual traits could be passed on from one generation to another. The prevalent idea at the time -- one held by Charles Darwin -- was that the breeding of two living thngs with different traits would result in a mixing of these two traits. For example, that breeding a white horse with a black horse would result in a spotted horse, or a grey one. Mendel was able to show that, instead, such breeding could result in only one such trait -- the dominant one -- being passed on to the next generation. This was a major breakthough in explaining how species develop, and Mendel's idea was published in a scientific journal of the time. Amazingly, it was then forgotten for almost forty years.

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14y ago

That biological inheritance is determined by factors that are passed from one generation to the next. he also concluded that some alleles are dominant and others are recessive.

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12y ago

Gregor Mendel assisted our understanding of inheritance and characteristics by determining the independent assortment of factors

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12y ago

Law of Segregation and Law of Independent Assortment

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What is Mendel's Theory?

Gregor Mendel was a biologist who studied the inheritance of traits. His laws for this inheritance are combined in Mendelian inheritance, which states that some alleles are dominant and as such some traits are dominant.

What two kinds of traits did gregor mendel discover?

Inherited traits.

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Gregor Mendel

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Polygenic inheritance includes traits coming from one source. Mendel described traits as dominant or recessive and that determination created the charts determining the offspring outcome.

Gregor Mendel used pea plants to study?

The Inheritance of Traits

How did gregor Mendel learn about inheritance of traits?

He didn't learn about it, he discovered it. He grew lots and lots of pea plants and found that the inheritance of traits had numeric proportions.

Gregor Mendel is studied because he what?

Gregor Mendel is studied because he used to pea plants to discover gene inheritance.

When did Gregor Mendel discover about genes?

Mendel proved basic ideas on genetics and inheritance, but had nothing whatsoever to do with DNA.

Gregor Mendel's plant exiperimentswhat did he prove?

he discovered the princaples of inheritance. Plants inherait traits ... and do not blend traits.

How did Gregor Mendel contribute to your understanding of inheritance?

Gregor Mendel took two different colored pea plants: one had traits for white plants and the other had traits for a red plant. When Mendel cross bred the two plants, a plant with traits for a pink plant grew. This is how Mendel contributed to the understanding of inherited traits.