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hepatitis b is a disease that's preventable by vaccination

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Q: What disease can be prevent by immunization?
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List down the purpose of immunization?

Imminizations can prevent disease, and also the spread of disease. People who get immunized from a certain disease cannot catch that disease, which minimizes the chance of others getting the disease (such as those who's immune systems or allergies will not allow them to get immunized.)

How do you prevent from the great plague?

By accidentally the immunization.

How do medicines and immunization help keep you healthy?

They fight off disease and viruses so you do not feel so much pain and will try and prevent you from becoming ill.

Explain how immunization aids in the defense against disease?

Immunization aids in the defense against disease by this theory: "Fighting fire with fire": By giving you the bacteria of the specific disease, that which causes it, how can you then contract it?

Artificially stimulating antibodies to a disease is called?


Is immunization an example of primary prevention?

Yes, Immunization is a form of primary prevention as it prevents the onset of a disease/disease process

What injection stops you from getting a disease with the first letter beginning with I?


How can you prevent dying from the whooping cough?

by immunization in form of DPT vaccine

Which was the first diseases to be cured by vaccine?

Small pox was the first disease to have an immunization developed. There actually is no cure for small pox except letting the body's own immune system try and fight it. The vaccine only helps prevent the disease, and that is different from a cure.

Is a disease that can be avoided with immunization shots.?

Chicken Pox, among quite a few others.

Is there an immunization to prevent the mumps?

Yes: it is routinely given to all babies in the developed world.

How can you use the word immune in a sentence?

An immunization is a shot someone gives to prevent disease. There's a sentence you can use. Or here's one: The parents of the new baby had to take her to the doctor's office to get an immunization.