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The types of sickness goes like thid:

White cough: a common cold

Green cough: worse then green cough and can be fatal to kits and elders

Black cough: severily deadly to any cat. Small chance of survival.

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Q: What disease is worse than green cough in the series?
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What disease is worse than green cough in the Warriors series by Erin Hunter?

The three types of coughs are, in order: Whitecough (A bit worse than the average cold), Greencough (sometimes Fatal in Elders and Kits, deadly) and Blackcough (Worse than greencough, small chance of survival.)

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When lying down at night, your cough can get worse. There are three reasons for a cough getting worse at night. The first reason is gravity, the second reason is the dry indoor environment, and the third reason is the human body naturally getting rid of congestion.

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It sounds like a common cold. If the chest pains get worse, call your doctor or go to the E.R. It is also symptoms of viral pneumonia.

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The symptoms of heartworms in dog varies on which stage the heartworm and disease is in. At the start of the disease there may not be any symptoms at all, or sometimes just a cough. The worse the disease gets, more symptoms appear, and the worse a cough becomes. If a dog has a later stage of this disease, they may have anemia, fainting spells, hard time breathing and is reluctant to exercise.

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Osgood schlatters disease is in fact worse than Achilles hell much worse

Why does a cough get worse when laying down?

Because your breathing is affected when you lay down

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Whooping cough is a disease that affects the lungs and airways of the body. A deep cough starts and gets progressively worse and is very hard to stop and cure.

What is the worse disease you can get?

the common cold. =D

What is the worse disease at sea?

That would be plague.

Where can I find whooping cough symptoms?

Usual sympthomps are the same as with cold.First they pretty mild but getting worse and worse after. You should nit delay seeing the doctor in this case.

What are the symptoms of pervis disease?

People with the disease seem to be very inflexible, and start to run slower as the disease becomes worse.