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In the rainy season there are air borne diseases and water borne diseases. Among the waterborne diseases, dysentery is the biggest problem. Hepatitis, cholera, polio, typhoid, Wheel's Disease, etc also pose serious health threats during the rainy season.

Other health problems experienced during rainy season include Asthma, Arthritis, skin diseases, cold (cough, sneeze, phlegm), etc.

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During the rainy season, individuals are more susceptible to waterborne diseases such as cholera, typhoid fever, and leptospirosis due to contaminated water sources. Mosquito-borne diseases like dengue fever and malaria are also more common as mosquitoes breed in stagnant water. Respiratory infections such as the flu and common cold may also increase due to the damp conditions favoring virus spread.

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Q: What diseases that you can get during rainy season?
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Common ailments during sunny days?

Common ailments during sunny days can include sunburn, dehydration, and heat exhaustion. It is important to stay hydrated, use sunscreen, and seek shade when needed to prevent these ailments.

Why fungi appear suddenly during rainy season?

Fungi thrive in moist environments, making the rainy season ideal for their growth and reproduction. The increased humidity and moisture provide the necessary conditions for spores to germinate and form new fungal colonies. Additionally, rain helps disperse fungal spores, allowing them to spread and establish in new areas rapidly.

How Do plants perform photosynthesis during rainy days?

Plants can still perform photosynthesis during rainy days as long as there is enough light for the process to occur. Rainwater can provide additional hydration for the plants, which can help with the photosynthetic process. The rain can also wash away dust and pollutants from the leaves, allowing for better light absorption.

In which season can you find most plants in the arctic tundra?

The arctic tundra has a short growing season during the summer when most plants are found due to the warmer temperatures and longer days. This period allows plants to bloom and grow before the harsh winter returns.

What do you spray on a apple tree?

You can spray apple trees with horticultural oil to control pests like aphids or scale insects, as well as with fungicides to prevent diseases like apple scab or powdery mildew. Make sure to follow the instructions on the product label and spray during the dormant season or in the early morning to avoid harming beneficial insects.

Related questions

Diseases caused during rainy season matter?

the spread of communicable diseases more during the monsoon season because the small water molecules like snow is more in that time. the air passage is less. the disease molecules what are present in the atmosphere they are increase that time.

What are the diseases in rainy season?

Rainy season diseases are water borne diseases like typhoid, dysentry, malaria,commoncold,allergiesand ofcourse hepatitis.

What do Filipinos do during rainy season?

Same as any other countries during rainy season.

How can you prevent yourself from diseases that you can get during rainy season?

You can prevent getting these sicknesses by not exposing yourself to the rain and also by taking daily vitamins.

What is rainy seasonal common diseases?

Well a lot of insects including parasites depend on water and humidity for life support, so malaria, dengue fever, influenza, diarrhoea are all typical rainy season diseases. Also typhoid fever may appear as water pollution increase during the rainy seasons.

Why fungi appear during rainy season?

because they grow in hot and humid weather and rainy season is hot and humid.

How do you correct this sentence during the rainy season in Africa rain falls every day?

during the rainy season in africa rain falls every day

When is the monsoon season in Vietnam?

Vietnam has a single rainy season, from May through September.

The finches have their young during the rainy season . based on the table which part of the year do you think is the rainy season?

Based on the table provided, it seems that the rainy season could be during the month of April since this month has the highest rainfall amount.

What fruits are grown during rainy season?


WHERE do frogs go during rainy days?

they go outside and do not hide. they love to go outside during rainy season.

Which two seasons come around in the amazon?

The two seasons that are seen in the Amazon are rainy and less rainy. During the rainy season, the Amazon will see between 60-180 inches of rain a day. During the less rainy season, it will see 30-100 inches of rain a day. The rainy season is between November and May.