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Evolutionary Change refers to the changes in the DNA sequence or mutations to help drive.

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Q: What do changes in the DNA sequence or mutations help drive?
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What is the same between mutation and adaptation?

Mutations are changes in the DNA of an organism. If these mutations help an organism survive in its environment, it would be considered an adaption.

How can a mutation in DNA base sequence cause a change in a trait?

Some mutations produce new traits that can help an organism survive.

How can a mutation in DNA base sequence causes a change in trait?

Some mutations produce new traits that can help an organism survive.

How can a mutation a DNA base sequence cause a change in a trait?

Some mutations produce new traits that can help an organism survive.

How do mutations lead to changes in human populations?

The study can help scientists understand ancient human population ...

Why are new alleles formed?

Mutations can change what protein a section of codes for. The production of different proteins would cause different physical development; a new allele or "trait".

Are all mutations bad.?

No not all mutations are bad there are good mutations and bad mutations

What is spontaneous and induced mutations?

Mutations which are artifically induced with the help of mutagenic agents are called induced mutations

Mutations that neither harm nor help an organism are called?

They're called silent mutations.

Why are some mutation not harmful?

Some mutations can be deadly, harmful, or have no effect. Correct, not all mutations are harmful. Some mutations could even have a positive effect and help the creature adapt.

Can mutations add information in organisms?

mutations in dna can be advantageous and lead to charecteristics that help a person survive or increase it chances of survival.

What are three main ways that variations in genotype arise in a population?

Variations occur due to mutations. There are three factors of mutations which impact the formation of new genotypes. 1) Point Mutations - Very small impact mutation which still might enhance the protection against environment and reproduction. 2) Mutations that alter Gene number and sequence - has major role in evolution as it might help to add new functions. 3) Mutation Rates - In animals and plants mostly very slow, however, prokaryotes due to high rate are able to mutate very fast.