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Q: What do dry cells and wet cells have in common?
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Can battery be made of dry cells or wet cells?

Yes, could be either.

What are two types of electromagnetic cells?

Wet and dry cell.

Can a dry cell battery be recharged?

Some wet cells can be recharged (e.g. lead acid cell) some wet cells can't be recharged (e.g. gravity cell). Some dry cells can be recharged (e.g. NiMH cell) some wet cells can't be recharged (e.g. carbon zinc cell). It depends on the cell chemistry not the wet/dry construction. Also any wet cell can be made into a dry cell by absorbing the wet electrolyte into something and making a damp paste electrolyte.

A battery consists of which type of cells?

Either wet or dry cells are used to make a battery.

Is a car battery a wet cell or dry cell?

A car battery is a wet cell. Only recently have dry cells been introduced, but your typical car battery is a wet lead storage battery.

There are three different types of electrochemical cells?

false, there only two types of electrochemical cells. Wet and dry cells.

Why were primary dry cells developed?

because wet cells could leak their dangerous, acidic fluids.

Is a flashlight a wet cell or a dry cell?

Generally we call them dry cells. However, the electrolyte in an alkaline cell is fairly liquid, so it may be a case of the technology outstripping the terminology. The old 'dry cell'/'wet cell' division really is no longer valid. We talk of 'primary cells' for cells that cannot be recharged, and 'secondary cells' for those that can.

Name for a series of wet or dry cells connected to one another?

That would be a battery.

How common are dry spells and wet spells?

It depends on the area. Some areas might have more dry spells than wet spells, and vice versa.

How many cells does a typical 6 volts batery have?

A 6 volt wet battery has 3 cells. A 6 volt dry battery has 4 cells.

What is wet but is not wet but is dry but is not dry?

Something that is damp or emptiness. These two things are not wet or dry.