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Grow in the correct direction of the resource needed.

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they both have aimbot (which is a type of fungi) and makes them get a 2:5 KD ratio.

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12y ago

Photo tropism = grow towards or away form light.

Geo tropism = grow up or down in response to the gravity field.

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Q: What do phototropism and geotropism enable plants to do?
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Related questions

Do animals also show phototropism and geotropism give examples?

only plants no animals

The name of the response of plants to light?

a "tropism"; geotropism for response to gravity and phototropism for response to light

What is the difference between phototropism and geotropism?

Phototropism - towards light. Think plants, flowers, leaves. They generally turn towards light.Geotropism - towards the earth. Go figure.Hydrotropism - towards water or towards moisture.

What controls geotropism and phototropism?

When the auxins in the plant act towards gravity... positive geotropism is wen the plant goes to the direction of gravity which would be downwards..negative geotropism would be upwards going against the natural gravity Phototropism is when the plant reacts towards the photosynthesis conditions where when light acts on the plant so the auxins burst and the plant bends towards light..this is positive phototropism...but when the plant goes against the direction of light it is then negative phototropism

Stems and leaves grow using positive what?

stems and leaves grow using positive phototropism. That means growing towards the source of light. Mostly we reffer to the sun in this case. Even so, stems and roots can as well grow away from the source of light, that is negative phototropism.

What are 4 examples of tropism?

geotropism (also known as gravitropism), phototropism, and hydrotropism.

Which response is result of geotropism?

Growth of plants toward the light is called phototropism. Growth of plants in response to gravity is called geotropism or gravitropism.

What is a plants response to gravity?

(meaning: tropo; turning, bending; geo, earth) The innate condition in plants to grow their roots toward gravity. The same happens with the leaves that grow towards the sun; this instead is called phototropism.

What is a sentence example of phototropism?

We observed the phototropism of our plants.

What are protective structure of makahiya?

Mimosa (makahiya) have thorns to warn the animals and people not to go near them. Plants responses are called 'tropism'. The bending of the plant towards the light is called 'phototropism'. Plants response to gravity is called 'gravitropism' or 'geotropism'. The plants response to touch is called 'thigmotropism'. the response to a source of water is called 'hydrotropism'. Plants respond to 'environmental stimuli'. Plants responses to stimuli enable them to survive. These are the protective structure of a Mimosa and other behavioral adaptation of Plants.

What is the importance of positive phototropism?

Positive gravitropism (plants grow up) benefits the plant because it has a better root structure. It is an adaption of plants to gravitropism which has a weak root system, however it is beneficial in certain areas for plants to be gravitropes.

What are kinds of tropism?

phototropism-responce to llight geotropism-responce to gravity thigmotropism-responce to touch hydrotropism-responce to water