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Q: What do you call a body part that loses it function through evolution?
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What occurs when the body loses too much body content and essential body salts?

The body becomes dehydrated. Lack of water and body salts will affect body and brain function.

Dehydration begins to negatively affect blood pressure and cardiovascular function when and athlete loses?

3to 5% of body weight

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Because sweet is the body's function to cool you down. The runner could overheat and pass out.

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Is the soul made through evolution?

No, souls are from a religious body. There is no way to tell that souls exist or not. I believe they do but there is no way that evolution made souls.

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The function of the blood vessel is to pass oxygen through the body via the blood.

What is the main function of the main heart?

The main function of the heart is to pump blood through the body.

What is the function of the heart in a fish?

Pumps blood through body!

What the function of the cirulatory system?

To circulate blood through the body.

What are five function that the heart does?

The heart has only one major function. This function is to pump blood through the body and to and from the lungs.