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It is a continuation of the Brachial plexus.

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Q: What do you call the large bundle of nerve under your armpit?
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When evaluating whether something you are seeing under a microscope is a tissue what should you should look for?

nerve cels

How do you palpate the sciatic nerve?

The best place to palpate the sciatic nerve is deep in the buttock. It exists the pelvic area just under the piriformis. If you place your foot on a chair and find the ischial tuberosity (the butt bone - the ones we sit on) and move laterally, you will be on or near the sciatic nerve.

Why are buttock muscules as injection sites for children under age 2 contraindicated?

It is contraindicated because an infant's buttock is so small it is easy to inadvertently hit the sciatic nerve causing pain and possibly nerve damage.

What is the function of a nerve ending?

At the end of a nerve, there is a synapse, which transfers the signal on to the next nerve until it reaches it's destination - ie. the brain or a muscle. Nerve endings are what we feel the world around us with. Nerve endings are in every part of your body and they are always sensing what is going on around you. They feel the chair against your bottom, the key board under your finger tips, etc.

What is a small cyst under the armpit?

One of the things it could be isHidradenitis Suppurativa, a form of acne. They start out as painful bumps under the skin and can turn into very painful, what appear to be, large pimples. One theory is that they are actual sweat glands that. for whatever reason, are not draining properly. Possibly linked to hormonal changes, usually begin after puberty. From what I've read, there is no cure, and that some people opt for surgery, but the cysts may still return. Warm compresses, baths and an anti-inflammatory meds have been mentioned as remedies to alleviate the pain.