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a consumer that eats a plant is a primary consumer.

a consumer that eats a primary consumer is called a secondary consumer.

a consumer that eats a secondary consumer is called a tertiary consumer.

a consumer that eats a tertiary consumer is called a quarternary consumer.

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Heterotrophic organism

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Q: What do you call the organisms that cannot make their own food and must feed on other organisms for energy and nutrients?
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What is a hetererotroph?

Maybe, it should be "heterotroph"? Heterotrophs are organisms that cannot synthesis their own nutrients but they obtain the essential nutrients from other organisms by consuming them. We human beings are one type of heterotrophs since we consume other organisms in order to get nutrients and survive.

What are heterotrphs?

Heterotrophs are organisms that cannot make their own food so they must depend on other organisms for nutrients.

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a decommposer is an organism that breaks down other dead organisms and makes it into energy and nutrients.

What organism cant make its own foodand gets its energy by eating other organisms?

Heterotrophs are organisms that cannot make its own food and gets energy by eating other organisms.

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Camels are heterotrophs. Autotrophs are organisms that create their own food, such as plants. Heterotrophs are organisms that consume other organisms for nutrients/energy.

What energy does fungi use?

Fungi get their energy from waste materials and decaying organisms. They are able to use hyphae which absorb nutrients in one area. The hyphae will then grow out as a means to absorb other nutrients.

What are the two ways that energy stored in dead organisms is used?

Energy stored from dead organisms can be used in two ways. They can either be eaten by other organisms or decomposed by bacteria with the nutrients absorbed in the soil to be used by plants.

What are organisms that can consume other organisms for energy?

Organisms that consume other organisms for energy are consumers.

What supplies organisms with the food energy and other resources needed to live?

All Organism need Food to promote growth and for energy.

Organisms that eat producers or other organisms for energy?

Organisms that eat other organisms for energy are hetreotrophs.