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Nothing is wrong with your kidneys and spleen.

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Q: What does 6mm hypodensity within the right kidney and spleen mean?
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Location of spleen abdominopelvic region?

The left upper quadrant is the location of the left portion of the liver, the larger portion of the stomach, the pancreas, left kidney, spleen, portions of the transverse and descending colon, and parts of the small intestine.

What organs are located in the the upper quadrant?

Liver, spleen, left kidney, stomach, colon, pancreas, large intestine

What organ is behind the lower right rib cage?

liver lungs heart kidney are behind it and in between each rib are intercostal spaces and muscles

Right kidney smaller than left kidney normal right measures 10.9x5x4 left measures 11.5x4x4 is this normal?


Can you give me a description of the kidney?

The kidneys are organs that filter wastes (such as urea) from the blood and excrete them, along with water, as urine. The medical field that studies the kidneys and diseases of the kidney is called nephrology (nephro- meaning kidney is from the Ancient Greek word nephros; the adjective renalmeaning related to the kidney is from Latin rēnēs, meaning kidneys). In humans, the kidneys are located in the posterior part of the abdomen. There is one on each side of the spine; the right kidney sits just below the liver, the left below the diaphragm and adjacent to the spleen. Above each kidney is an adrenal gland (also called the suprarenal gland). The asymmetry within the abdominal cavity caused by the liver results in the right kidney being slightly lower than the left one while the left kidney is located slightly more medial. The kidneys are retroperitoneal, which means they lie behind the peritoneum, the lining of the abdominal cavity. They are approximately at the vertebral level T12 to L3. The upper parts of the kidneys are partially protected by the eleventh and twelfth ribs, and each whole kidney is surrounded by two layers of fat (the perirenal and pararenal fat) which help to cushion it. Congenital absence of one or both kidneys, known as unilateral or bilateral renal agenesis can occur.11.

Related questions

Why is the right kidney is lower than the left kidney?

Because the right kidney is just below the liver and left kidney below spleen. Liver being larger in size on right side pushes right kidney a little downward, but such an action is not taken by spleen because of its small size on left side.

Which kidney is higher?

The right kidney sits under the liver, the largest internal organ. So it's lower down (2-8cm lower) than the left kidney which is under the spleen, a much smaller organ. The tops of the spleen and liver are pretty much in line due to the diaphragm, which is why where their lower borders are makes such a difference.

What is the meaning of hypodensity in right kidney?

A hypodense area simply means the area is "less dense" than surrounding structures. This can be a cyst or any number of things.

What is low-attentuation with anterior of kidney?

what is low-attentuation within anterior aspect of right kidney

Hypodensity in right lobe of thyroid what is hypodensity.?

The prefix hypo- means that something is below or under the threshold of normalcy. So, hypodensity means that there is an area that appears more diffused when looked at in an x-ray. A hypodensity of the thyroid usually indicates the appearance of a nodule in the thyroid. A needle biopsy is usually performed to determine the status of the nodule.

What is hypodensity of right hepatic lobe?

heterogenous hypoechoic region is seen along resection margin post right hepatctomy

Where kidney are located?

The kidneys lie against the rear wall of the abdomen, on either side of the spine. They are situated below the middle of the back, beneath the liver on the right and the spleen on the left.

What does a 2-3 mm stone within the interpolar region of the right kidney mean?

it might be a cyst or a mass

Which artery carries waste laden blood into kidney?

The kidney receives blood through two renal arteries. One artery supplies blood to left kidney while the other supplies blood to the right kidney. Within the kidney, each artery branches out into arterioles and finally the afferent arterioles.

Location of spleen abdominopelvic region?

The left upper quadrant is the location of the left portion of the liver, the larger portion of the stomach, the pancreas, left kidney, spleen, portions of the transverse and descending colon, and parts of the small intestine.

Where are the liver and spleen located?

Both are in the abdomen. The liver is up under the right ribs and the spleen is under the left ribs.

What organs are located in the the upper quadrant?

Liver, spleen, left kidney, stomach, colon, pancreas, large intestine