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controls the creation of proteins and teaches cell how to create proteins
known as "brain" of cell

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14y ago
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13y ago

the nucleos is a organelle in a animal and plant cell that does the same job in both, it is the brain or control center for the cell

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its like the brain

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Q: What does Nucleos do in the animal cell?
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What is the largest organelle in the cell and also the brain of the cell?

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Is the nucleos found in animal or plant cells?

Both. Found in all eukaryote cells.

What is the role of the nucleos?

Nucleus is the control center of the cell directing all of the cells activaties.

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A vacuole, nucleos, cell membrane, lysosomes,nucleus, nucleolus, centrosome, cytoplasm, nuclear membrane, mitochondria, ribosomes, Golgi body and smooth and rough E.R. (endoplasmic reticulum) p.s. i am 13 and this is one of the easiest questions to answer

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What does the nucleos do?

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