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the lungs and respiratory system

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Q: What does air move through which is part of the digestive system?
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Are teeth and saliva part of digestive system?

Yes, teeth are part of the digestive system as they help in breaking down food into smaller pieces through chewing. Saliva is also part of the digestive system as it contains enzymes that start breaking down carbohydrates in the mouth.

What body system is the anus a part of?

The anus belongs to the digestive system because, it is apart of your colon which is in the GI tract (gastro-intesntine tract).

Gallbladder and pancreas are part of what system?

the gall bladder is part of the digestive system because it It produces and stores the bile.

Is the trachea part of the digestive system?

no it is not part of the digestive system.

What part of the brain assist the digestive system by moving food through the digestive tract?

because foo

Is there a part in the digestive system that begins with the letter r?

The rectum is part of the digestive system. It is the last part of the large intestine in which waste is stored until it leaves the body through the anus.

Tongue belongs to which body system?

someone said its part of the Respitory System . im trying to ofind out now for a science project though It is shared by the speech part of the respiratory system, where it shape modulates sounds, and the digestive system where is i need to move the foor around and taste it as well as to push it down the throat.

Is esophagus part of the respiratory system?

No. The esophagus is part of the digestive system. The pharynx is part of both the digestive and respiratory systems.

What system is anus in?

The anus is part of the digestive system and it is through there that undigestible waste exits the body.