

What does chlorplast do?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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the chlorplast captures light energy and combine carbon dioxide from the air with water to make food

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Q: What does chlorplast do?
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Describe how the onion and cheek cell were similar in observed parts what parts did they have common?

Describe how the onion and cheek cell were similar in observed parts what parts did they have common? Well they are similar because they both have a nucleus and cytoplasm. They are different because in an onion cell there is a cell wall, doesnt have chlorplast, and it is a plant. For a cheek cell it has a cell membrane, doesnt have a cell wall, and is an animal.

Where in a cell does photosynthesis occur?

Photosynthesis occurs only in plant cells. This is because only plant cells (unlike animal cells) contain chloroplasts. These chloroplasts are the site of photosynthesis in the plant cell, and contain the necessary pigment of chlorophyll which is required for photosynthesis to take place. The photosynthesis equation is as follows: CO2 + H2O (in the presence of light and Chlorophyll) = energy + O2

Are all plant cells green?

In the plant cells there are things called chloroplasts. These chloroplasts contain something called chlorophyll. The chlorophyll carry out photosynthesis. The chlorophyll and chloroplasts are colored green, in witch make the plant cells green. The roots are not green because if there were chloroplasts in the roots, they would get no sunlight because they would be underground. Your welcome! I have a answers account now, yay!

Compare and contrast the cell cycle in a plant and animal cell?

Animal cells are eukaryotic, and plant cells are prokaryotic. All cells replicate after cell growth, DNA replication, distribution of the duplicated chromosomes to daughter cells, then cell division. In eukaryotes, DNA synthesis occurs during one phase and is controlled by regulatory apparatus.

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Are Chlorplast in plant or animal cells?

plantcell. chlorplast make the plants green

What does chlorplast?

the chlorplast captures light energy and combine carbon dioxide from the air with water to make food

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its chlorophyll

What does the chlorplast do?

I have absolutly not the slightest diddly :D

Which cell has a chlorplast?

Plant cells have chloroplasts.

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What is a green chemical called blank makes chlorplast green?

Chlorophyll a is a green pigment in the chloroplasts (not chlorplast). This is because it absorbs mainly the blue-violet and red light.

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Chlorplast (: