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A nucleotide of DNA contains a deoxyribose sugar molecule, a phosphate group, and one of four nitrogen bases: adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine. A nucleotide is usually represented by its nitrogen base.

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15y ago

Triplets of nucleotides in DNA are called codons, which are transcribed into mRNA (in Eukaryotes) and then each codon (from the mRNA in Eukaryotes) is translated into a particular protein.

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A codon

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Q: What does each triplet of nucleotides in DNA represent?
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What is a triplet of nucleotides that is the code for one amino acid?

I don't understand your question. mRNA does not have triplets. Did you mean codon? Triplet refers to DNA, codon to mRNA.

Why is the DNA code referred to as a triplet code?

Because for the purpose of translation into aminoacids, each codon is three nucleotides long. In other words peptides which are the building blocks of proteins get made by translating three nucleotides at a time.

How does the body collected process and store your information?

The body collects, processes and stores information in its DNA. DNA encodes information as a series of nucleotides. Nucleotides have 4 different bases. Nucleotides are grouped in threes and this is referred to as a Base Triplet Code. Each BTC will determine which amino acid is added to a protein molecule that is being synthesized.

Nucleotides are used to make up units of three?

Absolutely Yes, Life Depends Upon It. Nucleotides grouped in 3's are called ' triplet codons '. The four nucleotides, ATC&G, read as triplet codons, determine the order of amino-acids that are sequentially added to a nascent (growing) protein chain. See Proteins and Dna.

What is the name of the nucleotides have no DNA and no RNA?

Nucleotides do not have DNA or RNA. DNA and RNA are composed of nucleotides.

What is the translation for the DNA triplet GAG?

The DNA triplet "GAG" encodes for Glutamic Acid.

Could DNA extracted from onion be different from DNA extracted from cauliflower why?

Although DNA is composed of the same four nucleotides in all organisms, the sequence of nucleotides is different for each species

Is DNA an amino acid that encodes protein sequences?

No, DNA is not an amino acid. DNA is a nucleic acid composed of two chains of nucleotides. The sequence of nucleotides encodes for amino acids (almost every triplet of nucleotides encodes for some amino acid). The amino acids in turn build proteins. Please see the related link for more information.

Where are the nucleotides molecules connected from each other?

They connect to each other in DNA.

The enzyme that adds new nucleotides to each side of a replicating DNA molecule is?

DNA polymerase 1,2,3 are enzymes involved in adding nucleotides during replication

How do nucleotides cause living things to differ from on another?

the reason is that each living thing has a different order of nucleotides in its DNA

Molecules of DNA are composed of a long chain are called?

A DNA molecule is composed of long chains of DNA nucleotides.