

What does fitration mean?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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15y ago

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filtration is a very fine seiving process. instead of a seive a special filter is used.

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Q: What does fitration mean?
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How does filtration help?

Fitration is used to separe solids from a liquid or a gas.

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Filtration is the process of separation of solids from a fluid (liquid or gas) using a filter. The liquid obtained by filtation is called filtrate.

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fitration,evaporation adding of purifing chemical like chlorine,sedimentation make water safe for drinking but a pure water(totally free from impurity) is got by distillation.

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Fitration, sedimentation, floatation are some techniques to separate solids (soil) from liquid (water). Don't forget: evaporation (drying) the wet soil by (forced or natural) aeration (wind or van).

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The mixture of sugar-salt solution can be separated by evaporation. If the water is completely evaporated we will get separated sugar from the mixture. If we dissolve the mixture in alcohol we will get the salt separated while sugar will be dissolved in alcohol. After that, the solution is further filtered and salt will be the residue of the solution.

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