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Intercalated diploid phase means a type of diploid molecule that binds to DNA and inserts itself in to the DNA structure.

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Q: What does intercalated diploid phase mean?
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What is the diploid phase of a plant that produces spores?

The diploid form in a plant's life cycle is called the sporophyte. Land plants have a complex life cycle that involves an alternation of generations between a haploid gametophyte and a diploid sporophyte.

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Spores are produced by in the diploid phase?

By meiosis in the sporogenous cells of the sporangium.

What produces spores in the diploid phase?

By meiosis in the sporogenous cells of the sporangium.

Spores are produced by what in the diploid phase?

By meiosis in the sporogenous cells of the sporangium.

Spores are produced by what in diploid phase?

By meiosis in the sporogenous cells of the sporangium.

What spores are produced in the diploid phase?

By meiosis in the sporogenous cells of the sporangium.

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Which phase results in a change of ploidy from diploid 2n to haploid n?

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What does it mean to have a diploid life cycle?

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Why do humans not go through alternation of generations?

Human beings do exhibit an alternation of generations, but the haploid phase is extremely deemphasized while the diploid phase is overwhelmingly dominant. The haploid phase in humans that results from meiosis is restricted to only one cell, either an egg in the female or a sperm in the male. There is never a multicellular haploid structure as there usually are in plants. If such a multicellular haploid structure is required for a true alternation of generations, then humans do not exhibit alternation of generations. The human organism grows by mitosis (the diploid phase) only after fertilization. A plant sporophyte is diploid and it produces spores by meiosis. Humans, like plant sporophytes, are diploid and make haploid gametes by meiosis.