

What does it mean to kneecap someone?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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It mean to go up to someone take a gun aim it at their knee cap and fire destroying their knee cap and making it hard to walk

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How do you spell kneecap?

You have spelled it correctly, kneecap. A kneecap is the patella.

When is kneecap removal performed?

The kneecap is fractured or shattered. The kneecap dislocates easily and repeatedly. Degenerative arthritis of the kneecap causes extreme pain.

What is the purpose of kneecap removal?

When the kneecap is fractured or shattered. When the kneecap dislocates easily and repeatedly. When degenerative arthritis of the kneecap causes extreme pain.

Does the kneecap have a nickname?

'kneecap' IS the nickname (for patella)

What is the kneecap medical term?

"Patella" is another name for the kneecap. "Patellar" means pertaining to the kneecap.

What does patellofemoral mean?

Patellofemoral means related to the joint between the kneecap and thighbone.

How do you put kneecap in a sentence?

i use kneecap to my knee .

Is the patella a muscle?

The patella is a bone (specifically, the kneecap).

What is the medical term meaning surgical removal of the kneecap?

Kneecap removal, or patellectomy, is the surgical removal of the patella, commonly called the kneecap.

What is another word for kneecap is?

Patella is another word for kneecap.

Is your kneecap have mostly connective tissue or muscle tissue?

The kneecap, or patella, is bone.

What you call the bone of kneecap?

The bone that is normally know as the kneecap is called the Patella...:D