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it sounds like Reynaud's Phenomenon or Reynaud's Disease. These terms are often used interchangeabley but I believe they may be different. Reynaud's is a circulatory problem that can be quite scary when it happens for the first time. When this happened to me for the first time I was holding a soda can that was cold , but not freezing, and it was about fifty degrees outside. Suddenly I lost feeling in my first two fingers and when I went inside immediately I saw that my fingers were white. There was no blood flow whatsoever. I sat on my hands to try and warm them up and in subsequent times I would put my fingers in the heating vent of the car, it can take ten or fifteen minutes to get the blood back, but when it does, it comes with a rush. You can see and feel it. You learn how to keep your fingers warm to try and avoid this not only annoying, but painful thing from happening. Quitting smoking if you do, will help, and any other excercises will help, or things that will naturally improve circulation. In serious forms this can lead to gangrene and loss of limbs, but just watch and speak to your doctor to make sure it is in your history, tell your new doctors as many medicines react differently with this condition, and keep notes or a journal of times, places, and conditions of when this happens. * it's Actually a smart idea to make these notes for any condition! as I found out recently when menengitis kept me from remembering the previous day. Good Luck, I hope this helps!

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