

What does the chloroplast do in a cell?

Updated: 6/10/2024
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10y ago

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Chloroplast is used in photosynthesis. In the Chloroplast the sunlight and water go in and are seperated and sent to their designated areas to continue to process of photosynthesis or cellular respiration.

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1mo ago

Chloroplasts are organelles in plant cells responsible for photosynthesis, the process of converting light energy into chemical energy in the form of glucose. They contain chlorophyll, a pigment that captures sunlight and uses it to produce food for the plant. This process releases oxygen as a byproduct.

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10y ago

Chloroplasts are the organelle's food, basically. They are found in the leaves of green plants and in some algae. They have a green pigment, giving that part of the plant its greenish color, as they contain chlorophyll. Chlorophyll uses the sun's energy (given to the plant by sunlight) and convert it to chemical energy that the plant can use to grow and develop (called photosynthesis). Chloroplasts also take in sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide!

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12y ago

It produces sugar for the a plant cell cell during the process of photosynthesis. Chloroplasts is not found in an animal cell.

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A Chloroplast is sometimes refered to as a "cell within a cell" due to the fact it has its own membrane is separated from the rest of the cell. This may also be due to having small organelles within the Chloroplast.

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A cheek cell do not have cell wall and chloroplast while a plant cell have cell wall and some have chloroplast.

Is chloroplast a cell?

No it is not a cell.It is an cell organelle.

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Is the chloroplast in the leaves?

Chloroplast is in every cell in every leaf of a plant.