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The outside layer of the bone contains a material called lixtate, which helps regenerate lost brain tissue. Because of lixtate, brain cells regenerate faster in people with larger amounts of lixtate.

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Q: What does the outside layer of the bone contain?
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1. Periosteum (outside layer) 2. Medullary cavity (middle layer) 3. Endosteum (inner layer)

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the layer of bone that is fixed first is the compact bone layer

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Compact bone is the outer region of all the bones in your body.There are two basic parts of each of your bones:There is an outer hard layer of bone called either compact bone or cortical bone. this layer is much more dense.There is an inner layer of bone called either cancellous bone or trabecular bone. This is a softer bone and contains bone marrow and much more blood vessels than the cortical (compact) bone.

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Periosteum is the hard strong layer of bone

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What is a layer of the outer membrane of the bone?

Beneath the outer membrane of bone, there is a layer of compact bone. The compact bone is a type of osseous tissue that forms bones.

What is the main difference between the outside and the inside of bone?

The main difference between the outside and inside of bone is; the inside of a bone is bone mallow, whereas the outside of a bone is covered by flesh.

What is the main difference between the inside and the outside of bone?

The main difference between the outside and inside of bone is; the inside of a bone is bone mallow, whereas the outside of a bone is covered by flesh.