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If you break down the two words, selective means to only pick certain things, and permeable means to let pass through.

When you talk about something being "selectively permeable", it usually refers to a cell membrane because it only lets in certain nutrients and lets out proteins and what not.

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Q: What does the term selectively permeable mean?
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What is a membrane that allows some substances to pass through but excludes others?

A membrane that lets some substances pass through but not others is known as a semipermeable membrane. Other terms that describe this type of membrane are: selectively permeable, partially permeable, or differentially permeable.

Cells have selectively what?

Selectively permeable.

What does the term permable mean?

Selectively permeable refers to a cell membrane that will let certain things in and out of the cell, but block other things.

Cells have selectively what membranes?

Selectively permeable.

What is definition of selectively permeable?

The selectively permeable phospholipid bilayer (a.k.a plasma membrane) is 'selectively permeable' because it selects which molecules it allows to permeate (pass through).

Is cytoplasm partally permeable?

The cytoplasm is the fluid contained within a cell. The cell membrane is the barrier that encloses the cytoplasm. The cell membrane is partially permiable, not the cytoplasm.

What is the relationship between cell membrane and selectively permeable?

Cell membranes are indeed selectively permeable.

How is dialysis membrane selectively permeable?

a dialysis membrane is selectively permeable, it is used in experiments to simulate cellular membranes, and it is permeable to water but not to sucrose.

What does it mean for a cell membraneto be selectively permeable?

it blocks the passge of most substances

What is a selectively permeable memberane?

A selectively permeable membrane means that it lets some molecules through but others can't get in.