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because thats how it is brah

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3mo ago

The presence of Y chromosomes in an individual typically leads to the production of higher levels of testosterone during development, which can result in a thicker skull in males compared to individuals with XX chromosomes. This is due to the influence of testosterone on bone density and growth patterns.

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Q: What effect do xx or xy chromosomes have on making a male skull thicker?
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Is a white skull thicker than a black persons skull?

There is no inherent difference in skull thickness between different racial groups. Skull thickness can vary among individuals within the same racial group due to factors such as genetics and age, but it is not determined by race.

Is the thickness of a skull of female human thicker than that of a male human?

On average, the skull thickness of males tends to be slightly thicker than that of females due to factors such as overall body size and differences in hormone levels. However, there is overlap in skull thickness between males and females, and individual variation can exist regardless of gender.

What is the thickest and thinnest part of skull?

The thickest part of the skull is typically found in the area of the skull known as the calvaria, which includes the parietal bones. The thinnest part of the skull is often located near the temples and the base of the skull, particularly in regions such as the temporal bones and the sphenoid bone.

What will happen if you have a thick skull?

Having a thick skull may offer better protection to the brain from external impacts, but it can also limit the amount of space available for the brain to expand if it swells due to injury or illness. Additionally, a thicker skull can make certain medical procedures, like brain surgery, more challenging due to the increased difficulty in accessing the brain.

How does an infant's skull differ from an adult skull?

An infant's skull has fontanelles (soft spots) that allow for growth and flexibility of the skull bones. The infant skull bones are not fully fused, and the facial bones are less developed compared to an adult skull. The infant skull also tends to be proportionally larger in relation to the rest of the body.

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In Halo 3 what does the cowbell skull mean?

The Cowbell Skull has the effect of making explosions more powerful.

Which has thicker supraorbital ridges the chimpanzee skull or the human skull?

Chimpanzee skull

Which is thicker the human skull or the chimpanzee skull?

The human skull is thicker than the chimpanzee skull. The average thickness of the human skull is about 6.5 millimeters, while the chimpanzee skull is around 4 millimeters thick.

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Where is the heretic skull in halo?

Heretic Skull Effect: The Effect of the Heretic Skull is unknown. There may be no effect whatsoever.Heretic Skull Location:The Heretic Skull can be found on the Mythic map, "Heretic". To get the heretic Skull, enter Heretic in forge mode, then fly towards the top of the Blue base and the skull is located in the vent-like ducts.

What part of the skull does a migraine effect?

the part that hurts

All gold halo 3 sculls?

Black Eye Skull Effect: When you lose shield, the only way to get it back it to melee an enemy. Tough Luck Skull Effect: Your enemies never back down, always make their saving throws, and always charge you. Catch Skull Effect: Your Enemies throw LOTS of grenades. Fog Skull Effect: "You'll miss those eyes in the back of your head." You lose your motion sensor. Famine Skull Effect: Enemies drop 50% of the ammo they usually drop. Thunderstorm Skull Effect: All enemies are given a field promotion, and ranked up to their next available level. Tilt Skull Effect: Makes enemy resistance much greater. For example, Brute power armor becomes nearly impossible to take out with nearly anything except for plasma bursts. Mythic Skull Effect: All enemies have double their usual health. By the way There 4 Sliver Skulls.

Is a monkey smarter than Michael Hawkesly?

Yes because Micheal hawkesly has a thicker skull than a brick and he has the IQ of a spoon!!

Is a white skull thicker than a black persons skull?

There is no inherent difference in skull thickness between different racial groups. Skull thickness can vary among individuals within the same racial group due to factors such as genetics and age, but it is not determined by race.

What are the ratings and certificates for Skull Session The Making of 'Anger Management' - 2003 V?

Skull Session The Making of 'Anger Management' - 2003 V is rated/received certificates of: USA:PG-13

What are the diseases or disorders that can effect the skull?

This is actually a hard question Unless you red blood cells do not develop right you will not be able to develop your skull if you have some type of injury. A skull fraction will be an example.

Is the thickness of a skull of female human thicker than that of a male human?

On average, the skull thickness of males tends to be slightly thicker than that of females due to factors such as overall body size and differences in hormone levels. However, there is overlap in skull thickness between males and females, and individual variation can exist regardless of gender.