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Q: What fiber type have the largest diameter axons?
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Which type of axon will velocity of action potential conduction be the fastest?

Myelinated axons with the largest diameter

What is c type of sensory nerve fibers detail?

C fiber sensory nerves have small diameter unmyelenated axons and carry the signals from pain receptors.

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Fiber type in anterior ramus?

alpha spinal motor neuron axons leave the spinal column and enter the nerves via the ventral rami.

What type of skeletal muscle fibers are largest in diameter and contain most myofibrils?

Fast Glycolytic

Where do Nodes of Ranvier lie between?

They are more or less equally spaced. The size of the nodes span from 1–2 µm whereas the internodes can be up to (and occasionally even greater than)1.5 millimeters long, depending on the axon diameter and fiber type.

Which of these axons will conduct an action potential most quickly?

type a

What is the name of the largest type of rock?

The largest individual rock bodies are probably plutons, masses of intrusive igneous rock which may be many miles in diameter.

What type of conduction takes place in an unmyelinated axons?

Continuous conduction.

What muscle fiber type typically constitutes the largest percentage of the total muscle fibers in most human muscles?

Skeletal muscles are the largest percentage of total muscle fibers in the human body.

Which type of information would be conducted via the fastest axons?

musculoskelatal proprioception

What type of nervous system conduction occurs in myelinated axons?

Saltatory Conduction