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It flows back as heat.

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Q: What flows through organisms and the environment and eventually flows out of the biosphere?
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Why are decomposers valuable to the biosphere?

Scanvengers and decomposers are important in our environment because without these organisms there would be dead bodies laying everywhere on our planet because these organisms weren't there to break down the nutriants from the animal.

What is the exchange of matter through the biosphere called?

Biogeochemical cycle is the exchange of matter through the biosphere involving living organisms, chemical processes, and geological processes.

How the environment affects the behavior of organisms?

organisms help theenvironment and the environment helps organisms

Describe how nutrients are passed between organisms and the environment?

passed between organisms and teh environment through biogeochemical cycles

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Organisms have adapted to the environment through evolution process, over the millions of years. So there structures are closely related to the need of environment.

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Water is distributed through the biosphere by the hydrologic cycle, which is a result of evaporation and transpiration

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the bird's ( biosphere) fly through the air (atmosphere)

How can Compare the movement of energy in the biosphere with the movement of matter through biosphere?

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The type of organisms that transfer food energy through a community and eventually being eating by other organisms are the?

For plato is A consumers

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How does food harm your environment?

through organisms which contaminate food like house fly