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The four kingdoms that contain eukaryotic organisms are plantae, animalia, fungi and protista.

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Q: What four kingdoms contain eukaryotic organisms?
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What kingdoms contain eukaryotic organisms?

The four kingdoms that contain eukaryotic organisms are plantae, animalia, fungi and protista.

How many kingdoms contain eukaryotic organisms?

Four. These are Protista, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia. This is in accordance with the Five-Kingdom system.

What was the 1st eukaryotic kingdom of organisms?

The eukaryotic kingdoms are not in any specific order, so any of the four kingdoms can apply.

What are the three main kingdoms of eukaryotic?

There are four kingdoms of Eukaryota.PlataeaProtistaFungiAnimalia

Organisms that are Eukaryotic?

There are four kingdoms.They are plantae,animalia,fungi and protista

How many types of organisms have eukaryotic cells?

Eukayote is a type of cell. Therefore there is no answer for this question.

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What domain can be divided into 4 kingdoms?

The domain "Eukarya" can be divided into four kingdoms: Animalia (animals), Plantae (plants), Fungi (fungi), and Protista (protists).

Kingdoms of eukaryotic?

This domain consist of four kingdoms known as Plantae, Animalia, Protista, and Fungi.

Which domain do algae belong to and its four role in nature?

Red algae belongs to the taxonomic domain of Eukarya, members of which are characterised by having cells with nuclei. Eukarya covers all organisms in the Kingdom Protista, as well as the Kingdoms Plantae, Fungi and Animalia.

Is one of the four kingdoms?

The four kingdoms are: plants, animals, protista (eukaryotes), and monera (prokaryotes).