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The units of contraction called sarcomeres give striated muscle this appearance. Smooth muscle also has sarcomeres but they are not as neatly arranged so they appear smooth.

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Q: What gives muscle fibers their striations?
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What do striations muscles look like?

Striations are light and dark bands on skeletal and caridac muscle fibers. Smooth muscle lacks striations

What produces the striations of a skeletal muscle cell?

Skeletal muscle is one of the three types of muscle and it is a structure of a striated muscle tissue. The muscle is made up of myocytes or muscle fibers.

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What type of embryological cell gives rise to muscle fibers

Which type of muscle doesn't have stripes?

The "stripes" in the muscle are called striations. Smooth muscle doesn't have the striations.

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Smooth muscle contains no striations whereas cardiac and skeletal muscles are striated.

Intercalated discs and striations suggest the presence of skeletal muscle?

Intercalated discs and striations suggest the presence of cardiac muscle. Only cardiac muscle has intercalated discs. Both skeletal and cardiac muscle have striations.

What is a muscle striation made of?

The striations seen in skeletal muscle fibers are the result of the alignment of hundreds of myofibrils within each muscle fiber. A myofibril is a cylindrical organelle as long as the muscle fiber. Myofibrils contain bundles of myofilaments, which are actin proteins and myosin proteins. The differences in the thicknesses of the myofilaments accounts for the banding pattern of light and dark striations.

Striations of skeletal muscle are produced by?

Skeletal Muscle (as well as Cardiac Muscle) have striations do to their sarcomere's anatomy. The sarcomere is the functional unit of the muscle and appears striated because the different thick and thin filaments present.

Muscle tissue that shows no striations?

Smooth Muscle

What is the function of cross-striations?

Cross-striations form cardiac muscle. The crossed formation makes the tissue and muscle stronger.

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How cardiac muscle fibers differ from the fibrs of skeletal muscle?

Both cardiac and skeletal muscle cells are striated and contract by the sliding filament mechanism. However, cardiac muscles cells are short, fat, branched, and interconnected unlike the long, cylindrical, multinucleate of skeletal muscle fibers.