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Organisms that carry out photosynthesis are known as autotrophs. Autotrophs are able to produce complex organic compounds from simple substances or inorganic chemical reactions.

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9y ago
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1mo ago

Algae are organisms that carry out photosynthesis in a manner similar to plants. They are eukaryotic organisms that can be found in various aquatic environments, ranging from freshwater to marine habitats. Like plants, algae use chlorophyll to capture sunlight and convert it into energy through photosynthesis.

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7y ago

green plants are organisms. They are performing that.

Plants are the major group.Also every algae,xome protozoans and bacterial types are photosynthetic

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12y ago

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Q: What group is organism that carries out photosynthesis in a manner similar to plants?
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How do photosynthesis happened during night?

Photosynthesis cannot occur at night because it requires sunlight as an energy source. Photosynthesis is the process where plants use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to produce glucose and oxygen. At night, plants respire instead, breaking down stored glucose to produce the energy they need for growth and maintenance.

How do you the membrane-bound organelles of a eukaryotic cell act in a manner similar to the organs in a multicellular organism?

Membrane-bound organelles compartmentalize functions within a eukaryotic cell, similar to how organs specialize in specific functions within a multicellular organism. Just like organs work together to maintain the organism's overall function, organelles within a cell work together to carry out essential cellular processes. This compartmentalization allows for efficiency, coordination, and specialization of tasks within the cell or organism.

Cells with similar functions aggregate to form organelles?

Yes, organelles are specialized structures within a cell that perform specific functions. They are made up of aggregates of cells with similar functions, working together to carry out processes such as energy production, protein synthesis, and waste removal in a coordinated manner. This division of labor is crucial for the overall functioning of the cell and the organism.

Matter moves through an ecosystem what way?

Matter moves through an ecosystem in a cyclic manner, flowing from one organism to another through processes like photosynthesis, consumption, decomposition, and nutrient recycling. This movement allows for the transfer of energy and nutrients between different components of the ecosystem, ultimately supporting life within it.

What does it mean when a non-living organism has orderly structure?

When a non-living organism has an orderly structure, it means that its components are arranged in a specific, organized manner. This orderly structure allows the non-living organism to function effectively and efficiently, even though it does not possess the attributes of living organisms such as growth, reproduction, or metabolism.

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How do photosynthesis happened during night?

Photosynthesis cannot occur at night because it requires sunlight as an energy source. Photosynthesis is the process where plants use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to produce glucose and oxygen. At night, plants respire instead, breaking down stored glucose to produce the energy they need for growth and maintenance.