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will the population grow faster if an organism reproduces quickly

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Q: What happen when an organism reproduces quickly what the population?
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If in a given species, every organism survived to adulthood and then had exactly the same number of offspring as every other organism in that species, there would be a few interesting consequences. Given the universal survival and reproductive success, that species would experience a population explosion. Eventually, this would have to produce general starvation, since food supplies cannot expand indefinitely. Also, the process of evolution would come to a stop, for that species. If everybody survives and reproduces to the same extent, then the concept of survival of the fittest does not apply, since everybody survives and everybody is equally fit.

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It would become extinct.

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The allele would not be passed on to further generations, as the organism cannot reproduce. There would be a smaller population of that organism who's genetic code does not contain the allele for that particular trait.

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i don't think anything good or bag will happen to the other organism..

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