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This is called auditory ossical fusion or fixation and it causes conductive deafness. It is usually treated by installing a hearing aide.

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Q: What happens as you get older when the small ear bones get joined together?
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What happens as you get older when the small bones get joined together?

This is called auditory ossical fusion or fixation and it causes conductive deafness. It is usually treated by installing a hearing aide.

What happens to the bones of a person as he grows older?

bones get rusty

What happens to your skeletal system as you get older?

If u get older the skeletal system or bones will be lesser OLD:206 bones YOUNG:300+

What happens to leg bones when you get older?

Legs get shorter and .brittle

How much bones do you have when you're a baby?

A newborn baby has around 300 bones.A baby has 300 bones at birth. As they grow older the small bones grow together unil finaly as as an adult there are 206.A baby has about 300 bones at birth. As they grow small bones grow together and as an adult you have 206 bones.

Do you get more bones as you grow older?

they grow....which is how humans grow...if the bones never grew we wouldn't either

How do your bones change from birth to adulthood?

They change overtime by eating healthy also because when you grow they also grow. As a result your bones get bigger and stronger. That only happens if you eat healthy your whole life.

Why does the number of bones you have decrease as you get older?

Because bones fuse together (because they grow longer and have to combine) as you reach adulthood.

Why are the number of bones that you have now and the number of bones that you had when you were a baby not the same?

Hello, When a human grows, their bones will grow together and combine, that's why you won't have the same number of bones as an adult.

How many bone are in a child body?

Babies are born with 300-350 bones in their body, but by the time they reach adulthood, they have only 206 bones. This is because babies bones link together. For example, in the skull numerous bones fuse together the older we get.

Why are you born with more bones?

Young people (Children) have the same amount of bones as an adult. All our bones are already grown or in a growing stage at birth. They only develop as we grow. The amount of bones stays the same for a child and an adult.

Is it true that the human body has 100 bones?

People are born with over 300 bones. As you get older, some of these bones, like the individual bones that comprise the skull, fuse together. A typical adult human has exactly 208 bones.