

What happens if you eat toilet paper?

Updated: 6/12/2024
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9y ago

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It's like eating paper- it's not good for you, but you won't die. if you eat toilet paper it will do nothing to you but do not eat toilet paper.

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1mo ago

Eating small amounts of toilet paper isn't harmful and should pass through your digestive system without issue. However, consuming large quantities could lead to a blockage in your intestines and cause discomfort or digestive problems. It's best to avoid eating non-food items to prevent any potential health risks.

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What Things found in a toilet?

Common items found in a toilet could include toilet paper, waste material, sanitary products, and occasionally items accidentally dropped in like jewelry, phones, or children's toys.

Can sperm live on toilet paper?

Sperm can survive for a short period of time on external surfaces like toilet paper, but their ability to fertilize an egg decreases rapidly outside the body due to exposure to air and other external factors. It is unlikely for sperm to remain viable for long on toilet paper.

What is the thing in the bathroom called?

The thing in the bathroom can refer to a variety of objects. Some common items found in bathrooms include a toilet, sink, shower, bathtub, towel rack, toilet paper holder, or mirror.

You are twelve and today you found what looked to be brown stuff in your underwear and when you went to the bathroom there was red blood on the toilet paper did you have your period?

It is possible that you have started your period. The brown stuff in your underwear is likely old blood, and the red blood on the toilet paper is fresh blood. It is a natural and normal part of growing up for girls. You may want to talk to a trusted adult or healthcare provider for guidance on what to do next.

Your 10 year old son had bright red blood on toilet paper after having a bowel movement What could be wrong?

Bright red blood on toilet paper after a bowel movement in a 10-year-old could be due to anal fissures, hemorrhoids, or constipation. It is important to monitor his symptoms and consult a pediatrician for a proper evaluation and diagnosis.

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What happens if a kitten has eaten toilet paper?

NOTHING if he/she eat too much (s)he might get sick

Toilet paper rash?

It happens.

Is it safe for cats to eat SEPTIC SAFE toilet paper?

My cats play with toilet paper. They scratch it, unroll it and roll in it. I can't get them to stop, but they don't eat it. You have a strange CAT. Septic Safe toilet paper is recycled paper with no chemicals. Should be safe to eat as long as it hasn't been used in the toilet or septic tank.

Why do you eat toilet paper?

Go to a doctor.

What happens to toilet paper after it is manufactured?

After toilet paper is manufactured it is taken to the wholesaler, the wholesaler then sells it to a retailer where consumers then buy it for personal use!

How much toilet paper you eat will you need surgery?

Toilet paper is plant fiber and will be digested and pass through your digestive system to be eliminated.

What happens to recycling paper?

It depends. The toilet paper is recyled and made into cake wrappers and napkins.

What Dogs eat paper?

I don't know which dogs eat paper but if they do DON'T LET THEM. It's bad for them.

What can you eat to replace eating toilet paper?

You buy more tasty food instead of toilet paper, so therefore it is out of sight and out of mind. Problem solved.

Can eating toilet paper affect your period?

You can eat toilet paper if you haven't already wiped your bum and it won't make you sick.

Why does your budgie eat your shirt?

it is a substitute for a toilet paper roller and a carrot

Is it harmful for a baby to eat toilet paper?

It should pass harmlessly.