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A tumor will form and cancer will result.

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Q: What happens when cells dont divide when they should?
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Do multicellular organism cells divide in the same amount of time?

Well they really dont divide at the same time

What happens if you can't divide a number to find the average?

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How do the chromosomes divide between the new cells?

i dont know.. Ask someone who knows!

Which is a reason cells divied?

Cells divide because when your body grows, the cells dont grow with you they divide to make more

What happens when cells plasmolyze?

i dont know.......maybe a hypotonic solution!

What happens of you dont have enough minerals?

your blood cells will be weak and you will be sick.

Do liver cells divide?

Yes they can but it takes about a year for the cells to go through the full process of regeneration.

Why do cells divide-?

Cells divide because the larger the cell becomes the less efficient it is. So they multiply and younger ones come into being and they are more efficient. So they keep dividing to make more.Cells divide because when your body grows, the cells dont grow with you they divide to make morecaus sometimes they just feel like it...

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the name given to a group of identical cells is twins

In what type of cells does cellular respiration occur?

plant and animal cells/ eukaryotic and happens in the organelle, mitochondria.

Can a cancer cell grown in tissue cultures divide?

Cancer is cells that dont know when to stop dividing and multiplying and they become useless and fatal and yes they can

What do animal cells have that plant cells dont?

all animal cells have centrioles but plant cells dont