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Cellular Respiration.

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Q: What happens when oxygen is present and includes glycolysis and Krebs cylcle and Electron transport?
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What procces in respiration happens last?

Electronic transport chain

What happens when oxygen is present and includes glycolysis Krebs cycle and election transport?

Cellular Respiration

What happens after glycolysis if oxygen is available?

The Krebs Cycles occurs. After the Krebs Cycle, the NaDH and FaDH go to the electron transport chain which is where the majority of the ATP is formed.

What are all of the parts of cellular respiration?

The three parts of cellular respiration are: 1-Glycolysis (happens in the cytoplasm) 2-Krebs Cycle (Happens in the mitochondria) 3-Electron Transport Chain (happens in the mitochondria)

What is the organelle responsible for cellualr respiration in animal cells?

Glycolysis occurs in the cytoplasm, but the Kreb's cycle happens in the matrix (inside) of the mitochondria and electron transport chain occurs on the innermembrane of the mitochondria.

What happens to the energy that is given up by electrons as they move through the electron transport chain?

The electron transport chain entails oxidization of NADH and [FADH2] produced during glycolysis, β-oxidation, and other catabolic processes

What happens to the energy of the electron as it falls down the electron transport chain?


Where in a cell does electron transport happen in cellular respiration?

The electron transport chain happens in the cristae membrane inside the mitochondria.

What happens to the electron transport chain if oxygen is lacking?

The organism dies as no energy for even the simplest things, such as respiration and brain command, is available. Only in muscle cells can the organism switch to glycolysis for ATP production. The brain cells can not preform glycolysis.

What happens to sugar when its used in cells?

when glucose is released from glycogen, the sugar molecule can be used by the cell to produce 38 ATP molecules(2 from glycolysis, 2 from the Krebs cycle, and about 34 from the electron transport system). via catabolism.

When NADH loses a hydrogen ion?

It becomes NAD. This happens during electron transport where NADH drops off its H+ and electrons to be used in oxidative phosphorylation. NAD now must move to glycolysis or citric acid cycle to regain its hydrogen.

What happens to the products of Krebs cycle?

most become reactants in the electron transport chain