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your heart wouldn't have a right a left ventricle or atrium and would not function correctly. ultimately you would probably die pending a surgery i dont know about? hope this helps

The above is a completely irresponsible answer. There are plenty of people walking around missing their septum pellucidum right now and don't even know it. This is a question that unfortunately has no answer. Some babies born without the septum pellucidum can have serious issues with their site, intelligence, growth and other areas while some are completely fine both physically and mentally. I would suggest you visit some more websites. While there are most definitely heartbreaking cases out there, by no means is that the only side. My son is missing his septum pellucidum and while he is on the smaller side of the growth scale, he is extremely intelligent, has 20/20 vision and reminds me everyday that life truly is a miracle to behold.

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Q: What if you are missing the septum pellucidum?
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The thin partition that separates the first and second ventricles is?

Septum pellucidum. Foramina are openings, not separations.

What separates the ventricles?

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The interventricular septum is the medial partition between the lateral ventricles. It separates the oxygenated and deoxygenated blood.

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by a membrane called septum pellucidum

What separates the lateral ventricles?

Anterior and Posterior Interventricular Sulcus. Sulcus meaning "groove" .

What is the function of the septum pellucidum?

The function of the septum pellucidum is to cover and seperate the lateral ventricles. And by covering these ventricles it can also help keeping in the cerebrospinal fluid produced by the choroid plexus within those ventricles.

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6x8= 6x8=

what fissure separates the frontal lobes from the parietal?

At the midpoint it is the sagitall suture.

How many septum are in are body?

The plural is "septa." As far as I know there are ten: the interatrial, the intraventricular, the lingual, the nasal, the alveolar, the vaginal, the orbital, the pellucidum, the medial, and the uterine.

How many septum are in a body?

The plural is "septa." As far as I know there are ten: the interatrial, the intraventricular, the lingual, the nasal, the alveolar, the vaginal, the orbital, the pellucidum, the medial, and the uterine.

What is the partition between the left and right side of the heart called?

They are the two lower chambers if the heart, responsible for pumping blood out to the body.